It's a Jazz Thing Part 3 (The Commission) Oh Daddy "O"

Oh Daddy "O"
All of that work left me so satisfied.
When I was a kid my Dad had to get his Jazz on and it had to be live. It was classic and from the book of standards. So I couldn't help myself when creating 3 Pieces 6' x 3' to remove blight for a new artist community. Oh Daddy "O", the beginning of an old zone that is a new zone.
Sharing the photos from that day got me a new collector. In the mail, I received a check and the conversation that said: "can you make me something in Jazz?"
It is like the gift that keeps on giving. I had the piece hanging on the wall drying during the last ArtWalk before packaging. It touched a lot of souls that were visiting the studio that day.
Hearts dancing and thinking on Jazz. I am now fusing it with a new series titled "New Deco" - natural woods, Jazz and Deco.
Part 1 Click here
Part 2 Click here